Ramos, A.
University of ValenciaAmparo Ramos is Associate Professor of Work and Organizational Psychology at the Department of Social Psychology, University of Valencia (Spain). She’s Dr. in social psychology and work and organizational psychology and she is member of the IDOCAL (Research Institute of Personnel Psychology, Organizational Development and Quality of Working Life). From 2007 to 2018 was Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology of Health at the University Miguel Hernandez of Elche (Spain). She has been member of commission of the Equality Unit and member of the Center of Research of Gender Studies of the University Miguel Hernández. Currently, she belongs to the SCEPS (Scientific Spanish Society of Social Psychology) and collaborates in the University Institute of Women Studies of the University of Valencia. Her main areas of research and publication are related to glass ceiling, gender barriers, management leadership styles, gender stereotypes, professional profiles, employability and overqualification, and digitalization of work.
You can visit her Researchgate profile for more information.