Master WOP-P Edition 2017-2019 (conditions) (EMJMD) (OLD VERSION)
Four European universities are involved: Universitat de València (Spain) as the coordinating institution, Universitat de Barcelona (Spain), Alma Mater Studiorum-Università di Bologna (Italy) and Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal).
Two Non-European universities are also involved: Universidade de Brasília (Brazil) and University of Guelph (Canada).
Language of instruction
The languages of instruction and assessment can be either English, French, Portuguese or Spanish. The use of one or other of these languages will depend on the itinerary which the student participates in. This programme offers five language itineraries to the student:
- English itinerary (in the University of Valencia and the University of Bologna): English language will be used all the time
- Portuguese itinerary (only in the University of Coimbra): Portuguese language will be used with an exception(*)
- Spanish itinerary (only in the University of Barcelona): Spanish language will be used with an exception(*)
(*) The compulsory mobility period(s) will be in English.
Also, and during the Joint Intensive Learning Units (or Winter Schools), a second-year subject, the language of instruction and assessment will be English.
Mobility scheme
The WOP Coordinating Committee will decide the mobility scheme of each student considering his/her knowledge of the European languages (English, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish), the students’ university preferences, the rules of the Erasmus Mundus programme, and an adequate distribution of students between the partner institutions.
Mobility to Brazilia and Guelph during the second year could be considered.
About WOP-P Diploma
The European Universities within the Master Consortium agree to confer a double diploma to the students who will complete successfully the Erasmus Mundus Master Programme (120 credits ECTS). The degrees will be awarded by the European institutions where the student is registered and has spent the first and second semesters of the first year.
The degree of each partner university is as follows:
- Master en Psicología del Trabajo, de las Organizaciones y de los Recursos Humanos/ Màster en Psicologia del Treball, les Organitzacions i els Recursos Humans (Universitat de València and Universitat de Barcelona).
- Laurea Magistrale in Psicologia delle organizzazioni e dei servizi (Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna).
- Mestrado em Psicologia do Trabalho, das Organizaçôes e dos Recursos Humanos (Universidade de Coimbra)
- Master mention Psychologie spécialité Psychologie du Travail, des Organisation et du Personnel (Université René Descartes Paris 5) (until 10th cohort, 2015-2017).
The Master on Work, Organizational, and Personnel Psychology (WOP-P) provides a Diploma Supplement. The supplement provides a standardised description of the nature, level, context, content and status of the studies that were pursued and successfully completed by the student.
Tuition Fees and Participation Costs(*)
The Tuition Fee and other Participation Costs for the WOP-P Programme for the academic year 2017-2018 is:
- STUDENTS TYPE A: 9,000 Eur (nine thousand Euro) per academic year.
- STUDENTS TYPE B: 3,500 Eur (three thousand five hundred Euro) per academic year
The WOP-P Programme requires mobility, which implies to study in different universities. The costs of the fees for these activities are included in the fees of the Master. However, the costs of travelling, lodging, living, etc. are not included in the fees of the Master, so the WOP-P student has to cover these costs necessarily by herself or himself.
(*) Tuition fee for registration in WOP-P Master does not include the amount of mark certificates or any kind of official document that the student may need. So, if any student needs any mark certificate or any kind of official certificate in one of our WOP-P Universities, he or she should pay the current fees for those official documents.
Participation costs include an insurance policy, the compulsory university insurance, registration, university id. cards and the student’s record management.
Insurance for WOP Participants
Information about the insurance policy will be disclosed in the handbook of WOP Master selected students.
The European Commission does not provide scholars with any insurance scheme. Scholars selected to participate in WOP Programme could also use the same company to be beneficiary of the insurance services taking into account that they have to cover these costs by themselves.