FAQs (Trans.)
- What is the objective of the WOP-P Master?
- What are the admission and evaluation criteria?
- What are the procedures for both the application to the Erasmus+ grants and the application to the WOP-P Master?
- What do the Erasmus+ grants for EMJMD cover?
- What is the employability of the WOP-P Master?
- How do I know if I am either a partner or a programme country student?
- Which are the fees for the WOP-P Master?
- How are the diplomas issued?
- What are the competencies developed in the WOP-P Master?
- Which are the modules of the WOP-P Master?
- Which universities are involved in the WOP-P Master? What is their role?
- Which is the teaching staff participating in the WOP-P Master?
- Which is the mobility scheme?
- Which is the language policy?
- How will the WOP-P Master help me to get my visa (if needed)?
- What is the “Handbook for students”?
- Is there a career service in the WOP-P Master?
- What is the reserve list and how does it work?
- What is the objective of the WOP-P Master?
The WOP-P Master is a 120-ECTS Master’s course (two years) that aims to provide excellent experts in Work, Organizational, and Personnel Psychology (WOP-P) for an increasingly globalized socio-economic context. Two general employability tracks are considered: a) as a practitioner; and b) as a researcher. For more information, please see: https://www.erasmuswop.org/general-description/
2. What are the admission and evaluation criteria?
The main compulsory admission criteria are:
- University Undergraduate Degree in Psychology (i.e. bachelor of 3, 4 or 5 years)
- Fluency in English (Level B2) using the common European Framework of reference for languages. This fluency will be assessed by interview.
Common criteria and procedures related to admission and selection of students apply to all candidates (from programme countries and partner countries, that is European and non-European candidates) for WOP-P programme.
Other compulsory admission criteria and merits that are considered in the evaluation of applications are in https://www.erasmuswop.org/admission-and-evaluation-criteria-for-students/
3. What are the procedures for both the application to the Erasmus+ grants and the application to the WOP-P Master?
The procedure is very similar for both the application to the Erasmus+ grants and the application to the WOP-P Master. If you apply before the deadline established for the Erasmus+ grants, we will interpret that you apply for both the grants and the WOP-P Master. If you apply after this deadline you apply to the WOP-P Master only. We recommend you to read in detail the section dedicated to “Application and student scholarships” in our website: https://www.erasmuswop.org
4. What do the Erasmus+ grants for EMJMD cover?
The EMJMD student scholarships include the students’ participation costs (including the tuition fees, full insurance coverage and any other mandatory costs related to student participation in the course), a contribution to student travel and installation cost and a subsistence allowance for the entire duration of the EMJMD study programme. For more information, please see: https://www.erasmuswop.org/emjmd-student-scholarships/
5. What is the employability of the WOP-P Master?
The WOP-P Master permits two general employability tracks: a) as a practitioner; and b) as a researcher (e.g., continuing in a PhD programme). We have implemented a survey about employability of WOP-P Master alumni. A total of 112 alumni, from 35 countries (Europe, North-America, Africa, South-America, Asia, and Middle East), participated voluntarily. Results are very illustrative taking into account that an important number of participants have finished the WOP-P Master recently. More than 80% are employed or self-employed (only 8% are now looking for a job); more than 60% spent less than 3 months to find the first job after graduation; most of them consider that the contents of the WOP-P Master are very related (47,8%) or quite related (31,1%) with their jobs; and more than 90% are quite or very satisfied with the job.
6. How do I know if I am either a partner or a programme country student?
It is very important that you know the differentiation between partner vs. programme country students. It has implications on issues such as the fees and the Erasmus+ grants. To differentiate between partner vs. programme country students, consult: https://www.erasmuswop.org/are-you-a-partner-or-a-programme-country-student/
7. What are the fees for the WOP-P Master?
Fees are different for students who are residents in programme countries vs. partner countries. Please see: https://www.erasmuswop.org/fees/
8. How are the diplomas issued?
The University of Valencia issues a Joint Diploma as the Coordinating Institution of the Consortium (“Master Universitario Erasmus Mundus en Psicología del Trabajo, de las Organizaciones y de los Recursos Humanos”). In addition, the university of Bologna issues a national diploma to WOP-P Master students (“Laurea Magistrale in Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology”).
9 What are the competencies developed in the WOP-P Master?
The model of competences to be acquired by the students of the WOP-P Master takes into account both the competencies of the Specialist EuroPsy Certificate in WOP Psychology and research competencies. Please see: https://www.erasmuswop.org/competencies/#table-1
10. What are the modules of the WOP-P Master?
The main modules of the WOP-P Master are:
- Courses related to work, organizational, and personnel psychology. In addition, methodological and free-content courses. Please see: https://www.erasmuswop.org/academic-subjects-and-principles/
- The Winter School. Please see: https://www.erasmuswop.org/the-winter-school/
- Practicum and research training. Please see: https://www.erasmuswop.org/practicum-and-research/
11. Which universities are involved in the WOP-P Master? What is their role?
The European programme universities are:
- University of Valencia (Coordinating Institution)
- University of Barcelona
- University of Bologna
- University of Coimbra
The non-European partner universities are:
- Florida Institute of Technology
- Illinois Institute of Technology
- University of Baltimore
- University of Brasilia
- University of Guelph
- University of Puerto Rico
The WOP-P Master runs in parallel in the different European universities of the Consortium. Each year, non-European universities organize the ‘practicum’ for a group of WOP-P Master students. Please see https://www.erasmuswop.org/the-role-of-partners/
12. Which is the teaching staff participating in the WOP-P Master?
In addition to the local teaching staff and the scholars granted by the Erasmus+ programme, in the WOP-P Master there is a trajectory of participation of international guest lecturers from different countries (e.g., UK, Netherlands, USA). Please see: https://www.erasmuswop.org/teaching-staff/
13. Which is the mobility scheme?
The student must attend at least two periods of 30 ECTS credits in two universities -known as ‘Home’ and ‘Host’ universities- from two different European countries. The student’s Home University is the university where they are offered a WOP-P Master vacancy. On the other hand, the student’s Host university is the university where they will spend their compulsory mobility period during the second semester. During the selection process, each candidate is asked to select a Home and Host university of their preference that will be taken into account, among other criteria, for the final distribution of students between the four universities of the Consortium. These criteria consider the student’s preference and their language fluency, as well as a balanced distribution among partner institutions.
Aside from this compulsory mobility period, an additional voluntary mobility is possible during the second year, and a call will be open each year to visit a non-European University for the practicum. This additional mobility must be first agreed by the Coordinating Committee.
Finally, the Winter School is a special two-week period where all students of the Consortium are gathered in the same location for an intensive learning unit.
14. Which is the language policy?
English is the only language that is compulsory to be a candidate for the WOP-P Master. The WOP-P Master has three language tracks: full in English (at the Universities of Valencia and Bologna); a combination of English and Spanish (University of Barcelona); and a combination of English and Portuguese (University of Coimbra). We offer a language course that is free for WOP-P students, in the event that they are not fluent in that local language of the European country during the first mobility period. This is organized immediately before starting the classes in order to avoid overlap.
15. How will the WOP-P Master help me to get my visa (if needed)?
Either the Coordinating Office of the WOP-P Master or the Insurance Company will send the insurance scheme or insurance policy to your postal address in case you need a visa. In addition, both the Coordinating Institution (University of Valencia) and your Home University (for mobility 1) will provide you with an acceptance letter confirming your admission in our master and in our universities. Finally, you will receive two letters in due time: one acceptance letter from the Coordinating Office of the WOP-P Master and one from your Home University (for mobility 1). Please see: https://www.erasmuswop.org/visa/
16. What is the Handbook for students?
Once the student is accepted in the WOP-P Master, they receive the Handbook of Students – practical information about visa and residence permits requirements, sociocultural aspects, accommodation, cost of living, etc. This handbook facilitates the incorporation of the WOP-P student and their mobility periods across countries.
17. Is there a career service in the WOP-P Master?
Yes, the Career Service of the WOP-P Master aims to stimulate both the networking among alumni and employability. Please see: https://www.erasmuswop.org/description-and-contact/
18. What is the scholarship reserve list and how does it work?
After the selection process, two rankings of both partner and programme applicants are made. The first applicants shortlisted in each ranking are offered a scholarship depending on the number of scholarships granted for that academic year. In the event that an applicant refuses their scholarship, it will be offered to the following applicant shortlisted in the ranking, even if the academic year has already started. The European Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) has the final decision regarding the award of the Erasmus+ scholarships for both European and non-European candidates.